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The Education System for My 5 Year Old (In Trinidad & Tobago)

I remember 3 things clearly when I just started school. 1) I little boy pinched himself till the skin came off his arm and he showed it to me with a grin saying "SKIN". (I will refer to him from now on as "skin boy")😟 2) My 1st Year's teacher's name was Ms. Simon and she encouraged me to read so many fun books, I won a prize I think for reading the most books and since then I've had an insatiable hunger for reading.📗 3) In 2nd year school just stopped making sense for  me and a grew very afraid of failing, I also started getting into a lot of trouble for not paying attention in class.👀 These experiences taught me somethings I knew I wanted for my kids when they turn 5 and start traditional school: 1) I want them to stand out and remain memorable like "skin" boy. (Yes even if its weird). 2) I want them to love learning like I do. 3) I want them to embrace mistakes and learn from them. 4) I want to know what's affecting them and pay attent

The Education System for My 5 Year Old (In Trinidad & Tobago)

I remember 3 things clearly when I just started school.

1) I little boy pinched himself till the skin came off his arm and he showed it to me with a grin saying "SKIN". (I will refer to him from now on as "skin boy")😟

2) My 1st Year's teacher's name was Ms. Simon and she encouraged me to read so many fun books, I won a prize I think for reading the most books and since then I've had an insatiable hunger for reading.📗

3) In 2nd year school just stopped making sense for  me and a grew very afraid of failing, I also started getting into a lot of trouble for not paying attention in class.👀

These experiences taught me somethings I knew I wanted for my kids when they turn 5 and start traditional school:

1) I want them to stand out and remain memorable like "skin" boy. (Yes even if its weird).

2) I want them to love learning like I do.

3) I want them to embrace mistakes and learn from them.

4) I want to know what's affecting them and pay attention to behavioral changes. (Pay attention to this one)

I thought I had it all planned out... but...I was WRONG.

Things were totally different now wearing the cap of "PARENT". All of a sudden I was caught up on books, uniforms, PTA and how many activities they were exposed to. They were on such a fast pace of schoolwork it was all I could do to get them through it day by day. I was checking homework and preparing for the next day at the same time. We spent hours in traffic revising lessons, eating breakfast and fixing hair. I couldn't keep up with the schedules and was late or forgot a meeting or project more times than I care to admit. There were so many tears to go to school and so many things for me to remember. I was burnt out. But I only realized that they were having just as hard a time adjusting well into the 2nd term.. and sadly were also absolutely hating the process. 

I thought to myself... are all 5 year olds experiencing this? Why is it our introduction to the school system is so rigourous? Shouldn't we focus more on making sure they know how to be good little human beings to each other? Shouldn't there be more PLAY?  More pretend...more... IMAGINATION? Why are they always sick?!

I had all these expectations, but the reality I was faced with was so much greater, further and deeper than I could have imagined. I knew I wanted a change. But I needed the support of the school system. But them something happened. COVID. And everything changed.😲

Stay tuned next week where I tell you about Homeschooling with Public school in Trinidad & Tobago. 😃

How was your experience with your 5 year old in primary school for the first time? 

Let me know in the comments!

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  1. Even though we were introduced to online schooling at preschool level last year, playtime is lacking and to no fault of the school so I try to let them play outdoors as much as possible to bring some kind of balance.

    1. Yes we definitely have to do what we can to balance things during covid! Has your elder one just started primary school?

    2. Yes we definitely have to do what we can to balance things during covid! Has your elder one just started primary school?


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