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Showing posts from September, 2021

The Education System for My 5 Year Old (In Trinidad & Tobago)

I remember 3 things clearly when I just started school. 1) I little boy pinched himself till the skin came off his arm and he showed it to me with a grin saying "SKIN". (I will refer to him from now on as "skin boy")😟 2) My 1st Year's teacher's name was Ms. Simon and she encouraged me to read so many fun books, I won a prize I think for reading the most books and since then I've had an insatiable hunger for reading.📗 3) In 2nd year school just stopped making sense for  me and a grew very afraid of failing, I also started getting into a lot of trouble for not paying attention in class.👀 These experiences taught me somethings I knew I wanted for my kids when they turn 5 and start traditional school: 1) I want them to stand out and remain memorable like "skin" boy. (Yes even if its weird). 2) I want them to love learning like I do. 3) I want them to embrace mistakes and learn from them. 4) I want to know what's affecting them and pay attent

The Education System for My 5 Year Old (In Trinidad & Tobago)

I remember 3 things clearly when I just started school. 1) I little boy pinched himself till the skin came off his arm and he showed it to me with a grin saying "SKIN". (I will refer to him from now on as "skin boy")😟 2) My 1st Year's teacher's name was Ms. Simon and she encouraged me to read so many fun books, I won a prize I think for reading the most books and since then I've had an insatiable hunger for reading.📗 3) In 2nd year school just stopped making sense for  me and a grew very afraid of failing, I also started getting into a lot of trouble for not paying attention in class.👀 These experiences taught me somethings I knew I wanted for my kids when they turn 5 and start traditional school: 1) I want them to stand out and remain memorable like "skin" boy. (Yes even if its weird). 2) I want them to love learning like I do. 3) I want them to embrace mistakes and learn from them. 4) I want to know what's affecting them and pay attent

My Favorite Blanket and Why You Need One Too!

As a child I had a pillow. I don't know if I named it, or even what color it was. I only know because I was told I had a pillow. I imagine that it was warm and comfy and smelt like roses. Though now having children of my own, I highly doubt that it looked like anything I imagined it to be. 😂 When both my children were born they were each gifted a blanket. Very fuzzy, soft and pastel colored favorites that soon became strewn over the floors, thrown out of windows and moving cars and tied up as forts. They also became go to comforters. If they cried- blanket. Hungry- blanket. Sick- blanket. This list went on and on and it seemed as though these rectangular fluffs were unending in their magic to soothe. It amazed me how useful they became and how dependent we were on them, never leaving the house without them and turning back if they were left anywhere. At the very least they provided warmth, at the ver most they provided comfort and as I journey to become the very best version of my

The Ultimate Self Care Box for Busy Moms- (That you have already)!

   The Ultimate Self Care Box for Busy Moms-  (That you have already)! What is it about selfcare and motherhood that gets the world so wound up? Top up the MOM powers! The conversation  now about selfcare and moms is just as interesting as the conversation we were having about working and stay at home moms! ( Wait are we still even having this conversation?!) The thing about it is that, this is only a conversation we need to have with ourselves! What do  WE  want to do, and what makes us  feel good  and what makes our superpowers top up is what we should definitely spend time doing! Hear me out here. Mom guilt is so real and so "normalized" that sometimes we don't even know we are convincing ourselves that we are not okay and that we need a break. But I am here to say NO MORE! You deserve a break! You deserve to have a break EVERY SINGLE DAY. Every Day! DO you hear me? I said it. MOMS you are entitled to a coffee break, lunch break, afternoon tea and to finish it off a lu